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Name: Pam Andrews
Date: 10/07/2005
Message: I just got the "new" cd. I have never heard of you guys before a few weeks ago, but I'm glad I discovered you. You guys rock!

Name: Roland
Date: 09/06/2005
Message: An extraordinary story and a quite extraordinary album!! Come and play for us in the UK guys, the fellas at Firefest will be informed !!!

Name: Steve Angulo
Date: 08/16/2005
Message: Just received my copy of the reissue from Metal Mayhem & it is a masterpiece. Not only do I finally get to hear the legend but I get to own my own for an affordable price. Other bands need to take notice when rereleasing their CDs because this is one classy release. Thanks!

Name: paul rudland
Date: 08/16/2005
Message: just wanted to say thanks for making this gemm easy for us fans..paul.

Name: Jerry Masse
Date: 08/15/2005
Message: Can't wait to hear & finally be able to afford a copy!! Great Job Guys!!

Name: ashen_light
Date: 08/13/2005
Message: Very excited to see the material re-released. Thank you guys for making it available to the masses!!!

Name: Scott Orr
Date: 08/12/2005
Message: Finally!!! All I have to say is finally!!! Going to order my copy right now. Thanks Ken and company. You guys rock!!!!

Name: Dale Plantz
Date: 08/12/2005
Message: i wish more artists were like you guys, trying to please the fans. Thanks LARGE for your efforts guys!!!

Name: Dan Friml
Date: 08/11/2005
Message: Awesome!!! You're finally back! Thanks a lot guys!

Name: ANDY
Date: 08/11/2005
Message: wow, out of the blue, welcome back!!! : )
